Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh Yeah! Ensaymada

First and foremost, I want to give full credit to the source of the recipe:

And yeah! I was able to make yummy Ensaymada. I know the picture does not look appetizing. But believe me, it is really yummy. It takes a lot of effort though. I slept at past 2am just to finish baking! But then, I am at level "innocent". Effort should be exerted to get to the next level :-)

A side note. The recipe yields more than the 17in x 13in baking tray could take. If you are like me who uses a standard oven, it can only take one tray per layer. So, you need to bake in two batches. Or try to cut the recipe in half :-s. I will try it next time.


5 cups all-purpose flour
¾ cup butter, melted
¾ cup white sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
3 pieces raw eggs
1 pouch rapid rise yeast (about 2 ¼ tsp)
1 cup fresh milk, warm

  1. Combine warm milk, yeast, and ½ cup sugar and stir until yeast and sugar dissolves in milk. Set aside to let yeast activate (approximately 10 minutes).
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients starting from the flour, sugar, and salt then mix thoroughly.
  3. Add the eggs, 1/2 cup butter, and activated yeast mixture (these are the ingredients that we combined in number 1) to the mixed dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are evenly distributed and a dough is formed.
  4. Knead the dough until texture becomes fine.
  5. Put the dough back on the mixing bowl and cover the top with cloth. Allow the dough to rise for 2 hours.
  6. Put the dough on a flat surface and flatten. Punch the dough lightly to release the air inside.
  7. Using a dough slicer, divide the dough into four pieces.
  8. Roll each piece until shape becomes cylindrical.
  9. Cut the cylindrical dough into individual serving pieces (1 serving piece should weigh at least 80 grams).
  10. Put the sliced individual serving piece in a flat surface and flatten using a rolling pin.
  11. Combine ¼ cup melted butter with ¼ cup white sugar. Using a brush, paint the mixture on the flattened dough. Make sure to paint only the center part of the flat dough.
  12. Sprinkle some cheese over the painted area then seal the dough by folding opposite directions and rolling it until a long cylindrical shape is formed (about 14 inches in length).
  13. Start forming the spiral Ensaymada shape by crossing the two opposite ends of the dough. The first end should be placed under dough while the other end should be inserted in the middle. (see video for better comprehension)
  14. Place the dough in a baking tray with wax paper and cover with cloth. Set aside to rise for another 45 minutes
  15. Pre-heat the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. Remove cloth on top of the tray and bake the dough for 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  16. Remove the baked Ensaymada from the oven. Using the remaining melted butter and sugar mixture, paint the top of the baked ensaymada and sprinkle additional cheese.
  17. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy!

And the quest continues... Next on my mind... Empanada. :-)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yema Recipe

I am still on the initial stage of trying to learn how to cook. I am a technical person, having spent my entire career, so far, in Software Industry. Having said that, below are the 7 levels that I have in mind:


I would refer to myself as "innocent". I will upgrade my level when I get tired of trying out dessert recipes :-)

My targets, as it is, are still simple dessert recipes. I found a few recipes online that looks easy. But when I tried to follow the procedure, it gives me a headache. Then I stumbled upon Yema recipes on a night that I crave for something sweet... that's not in my fridge. I am sure you had those kind of nights as well. Anyways, Yema recipes are easy to follow and the ingredients are usually available in the pantry. I am not giving credit to anyone as this is kind of a modified version of various Yema recipes available online. This is a simplified version I'd like to call my
own. :-) Try it out. It is really good.


3 tbsp unsalted butter

1 can (14 ounces) condensed milk

3 egg yolks

1. Melt the butter in a sauce pan under low heat.
2. Stir in condensed milk for about 3 minutes.
3. Add the egg yolks and stir constantly.
4. When the desired consistency is reached, turn off the heat.
5. Allow the mixture to cool.
6. Using a 1/2 tbsp measuring spoon, scoop a spoonful of the mixture.
7. Using your hands, roll it into a ball.
8. Serve it in a plate or in mini baking cups.

It took me two tries to get it right. On the first try, I had the heat too high. The egg yolks cooked up before I get the chance to mix it well with the milk. I ended up with a mixture that still taste really good but with a layer of egg yolks. I learned my lesson, low heat on the second try. It takes longer when cooking under low heat but it turned out much better.

A lot of Yema recipes online has some nuts mixed in. No nuts for me as I like my Yema smooth.

And the quest continues...